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My medicolegal training

2021: I completed the University of Aberdeen Bond Solon (UABS) Expert Witness Certificate. This required 4 days of training including a mock cross-examination and multiple choice examination in

Law & Procedure:

Excellence in Report Writing

Courtroom Skills

Cross-Examination Day

Law & Procedure (scored 100%)

What kind of reports do I write?

I’ve written over 300 reports, typically 30-40 each year.

The majority of these are asbestos-related cases (pleural plaques, diffuse pleural thickening, asbestosis, mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer).

I occasionally write more “general” Respiratory reports but avoid clinical negligence cases.

Most of my reports are “desktop” reports, but I can see clients in person at Albyn Hospital if necessary.

Turnaround time

My turnaround time is variable, typically 2-8 weeks but does vary depending on my workload.

I can prioritise urgent cases e.g. mesothelioma, asbestos related lung cancer.

Please ask when you make an enquiry.

How best to transfer documents e.g. clinical case records?

Ideally electronically using ShareFile or similar software.

What tests can I arrange if necessary?

If I meet a client in person I can perform simple lung function tests (spirometry and assessment of oxygen level) at our clinic meeting.

I can also arrange chest X-rays and CT scans if required.

It is challenging to get privately funded detailed pulmonary function tests at most Scottish centres but I can sometimes arrange.

My terms of engagement

Please contact me for my Terms of Engagement. I can send on my usual Terms and Conditions to you at that stage.